The founding article was designed as a single page website without pictures and without external links. This was done to enable the entire website to be sent through email. The file size is small, as it contains html text only.

Read the Story
Join The Snowball
Fight Corruption

At the very bottom of the story, you will find the method which was used to translate the entire story, while preservind HTML links etc. It is an HTML translator: Courtesy of, totally free for use, no ads no tricks.

Email from a Detective Sergeant of the Toilet Papering Service of Toronto's Finest at Dirty-2 Division on Smellerslie Avenue:

Good morning Mr. Murdock, In regard to line three, I hope this helps to clarify a few points. The equipment was confiscated on February 1, 2023. The tools were seized at the request of the School Board, and it was only for the purpose of keeping them secure and preventing them from being lost or misplaced. In terms of which laws were breached, resulting in the confiscation of tools. I am not aware of any, and to be clear, the tools were never forfeited and were always yours. Yes. These are the same tools that DC Kim has suggested are kept at #2 Progress Avenue. Regarding line one, this is something I would have to investigate and get back to you on.

- The Words of the Toilet Papering Service Detective Sergeant. I never heard from him after that.

Outbound Email Translation is definitely worth trying. If you have friends who use other languages, this might be your new best friend. Free to download and free to distribute. I would prefer that you distribute it as widely as possible. Maybe even send it along with the emails that you will now be able to translate quickly and easily into the preferred language of your friend. It is only from Allah(SWT), as are all good things. I have no right to withold this from you, and therefore distribute it freely without any encumberance or agreements of any kind. TRANSLATOR

Clicking on the yellow button on the top in the middle will save this 'Outbound Email Translator' and it will become yours, free to use forever with no strings attached. (6.5kb) Every kilobyte of this tiny HTML w/Javascript is packed with value. Ramadan Mubarak.


THIS JUST IN!!! This website has been successfully embedded in the disused BLOG of a famous celebrity by virtue of a legally unavoidable direct external reference. Have a look for yourself. I wasn't sure that this was possible, and even thought, maybe the dimensions of the proposed image would cause an issue... Turns out not to be the case. I guess that's what happens when you lose control of your domain. In a strange way, this is very much the exact thing that he did to me. To an actor, their toolset is self promotion. To a carpenter it's just hammers and screwdrivers, maybe a chisel, maybe a pocket sized plane, various wrenches, a set which has been built up and accumulated over the years. Qisas. Praise be to Allah(SWT), the one and only, the Almighty One(SWT) who has done this for me.

TP-Speedline has been spotted

in the disused blog of Justin Theroux, who, if you did not know, is some kind of hollywood celebrity, an award winning actor. Check it out at, where there was a page all about Jung-Yul Kim circa 2011. Enjoy.

Comedy Dialogue Re-enacting the Events of February 1st 2023.

This dialogue is completely speculative and does not represent how this actually happened. If only there was a text-to-speech that could read a two part dialogue. Prime Survey: Is Your Number Prime and You Never Knew It?

This survey is setting out to show that people use prime numbers every day, while they may be completely unaware of it and it just might be that they are also unaware of our proven inability to comprehend such numbers. It has been thoroughly proven that prime numbers cannot be understood by Man. Are these numbers therefore to be categorized as 'religious-unseen'?

Jung-Yul Kim Superfan Zone (featuring Mascot: TP-Speedline)

Everything a Jung-Yul Kim superfan could want!

FREE html-Based Text Editor for your Phone!

This doesn't cost anything, just push that center button and you will save the htmlBasedTextEditor.html to your phone. Instructions for use are already inside of it. Just open the page and you will see that this is barely even a program but, it does allow you to edit html or other files right from your phone. The file itself is very small at about 8kb.

I hope that you will find it useful, and know that you CAN and SHOULD be plugging a physical keyboard of the ordinary and inexpensive variety directly into your telephone. This way you can take full advantage of the superior typing ability of a keyboard. You will then see how 'touch typing' is actually not very good.

Only be careful not to put stress on the physical input to your telephone as this could damage it.

This editor has very few features. It can save a file, it can open a file. It has a filename entry, it saves the file with a DATE-TIME prefix automatically. When you open a file, that filename is entered automatically into the filename area. The Center Button saves the entire htmlBasedTextEditor.html to your phone by downloading it. Stop carrying giant laptop computers everywhere you go. You were going to bring your phone anyways... and keyboards are a dime a dozen and they are everywhere.

External Links

Note: These links leave this website and go to other places on the internet which most likely contain pictures.

Contact Information

Jung Yul Kim

Note: The main article was designed with Accessibility and Screen-reader users in mind. It has a handy bar-navigational system.