


Still Stolen
An Ongoing Struggle
<!-- TITLE CLIP --><div class="title" style=" font-size: 3em; width: 6em; text-align: center; background-color: transparent; border: 0.1em solid blue; border-radius: 0.4em; padding: 0.25em; " ontouchstart=" this.style.borderColor = 'lime'; " ontouchend=" this.style.borderColor = 'blue'; " > <span style=" text-decoration: underline; text-decoration-color: blue; " > emptyFile </span> <br> <span style=" font-size: 0.5em; " > Universal Blogging </span> <br></div><!-- TITLE CLIP -->
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Audio appears green when loaded:

Yes, My tools are Still Stolen. The Toronto Police Service at 32 Division on Ellerslie Avenue have not returned the tools. Liar Detective and 555 Hollywood Phoney, Jung-Yul Kim, remains at large and with no charges against him.

You have found the blog of Nathan Murdock, the pissed-off Jewish Carpenter.

(ethnically jewish, religiously islamic)

لا إله إلا الله

The Toronto School Board Officers responsible for this theft remain at large, and, frankly, are probably just fake figureheads who make none of their own decisions anyhow. They are simply being conducted by criminals at every moment of every day.

The criminals who are really operating the Toronto School Board would never name themselves, that would be silly of them. It begs the question, what degree of subversion of public funds is considered treason? I mean, if it is a broadly coordinated subversion effort... ?

Now to the main topic. How did this pissed off Jew get the website of this dumb loser? Great question, and to answer that in the shortest way:

God(SWT) did this.

Yeah, the more you think about how unlikely it is that I would somehow become the owner of an enemy website(domain name actually), you'll see that there is nothing that I could have personally done that would have had the slightest effect on that outcome. Nothing. There is simply no way for that to have happened through my own actions. It is not only statistically extremely unlikely, it is actually completely impossible.

This is nothing short of direct, completely blessed miracle.

And now the lingering question...

When, and under what circumstances did this Jung-Yul Kim website begin?

This will be the subject of the next blog post. A quick lesson though: "Never, Ever, Register Your Own Name As An Internet Domain". That is a very stupid thing to do but, for our Famous Hollywood Douchebag, Jung-Yul Kim, it didn't really happen like that...

The story of this domain actually starts with a man who nobody really knows, and who isn't really famous at all.

That man's name is

Thomas Yee

                     (of AAB Talent)

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